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17 Dec


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festival weekend tango argentintango
3 days of international tango meeting in Kaunas with the world class dancer and maestro from Argentina - CRISTIAN PALOMO - WORLD TANGO CHAMPION (2016, Tango de Pista)
Added by Jean C.
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The event
17 déc. 2021 at 15:00
19 déc. 2021 at 23:45

Address of the event
The organizer
El Tango Club Espacio Cultural
(Non official, community data)
Added by Jean C. with 588 other events

for EN VERSION scroll below

3-ų dienų tango susitikimas su pasaulinio lygio maestro ir šokėju CRISTIAN PALOMO iš Argentinos (World Tango Champion 2016, Tango de Pista)






* Seminarai * Individualūs mokymai * Parodomoji programa * Milongos * Tarptautinė TDJ komanda * Profesionali garso kokybė * Erdvi ir vėdinama salė su medinėmis grindimis * Draugiška ir smagi tango atmosfera * Jauki aplinka ir tango draugai

2021-12-17 | PENKTADIENIS

20:00 - 01:00 Milonga de VINILOS / TDJ ANDRES VILKS (Latvija)

Daugiau informacijos apie milongą bus paskelbta artimiausiu metu.

2021-12-18 | ŠEŠTADIENIS

Seminarai vyks anglų kalba.

12:00 – 13:15 Seminaras: ABRAZO & CONEXION / EMBRACE & CONNECTION

How to get a soft, active and reactive hug both in closed hug and in open embrace.

---kavos pertraukėlė

13:45 – 15:00 Seminaras: CAMINATA / WALKING:

Leg work. How to use the base leg, the free leg and the flexion of the movement. The importance of the pauses.

20:00 – 01:00 Milonga de GALA / TDJ BARBARA D’AGOSTINO (Italija)

Parodomoji programa - Cristian Palomo

Daugiau informacijos apie milongą bus paskelbta artimiausiu metu.

2021-12-19 | SEKMADIENIS

Seminarai vyks anglų kalba.

12:00 – 13:15 Seminaras: CADENCIA / CADENCE

How to use it to achieve a smooth and elegant dance

---kavos pertraukėlė

13:45 – 15:00 Seminaras: Let’s have fun with a MILONGA!

18:00 – 22:00 Milonga ELEGANTE / TDJ MARIA OKRUZKOVA (Latvia)

Daugiau informacijos apie milongą bus paskelbta artimiausiu metu.


Vedami iš anksto suderintu laiku.

Dalyvių skaičius: 1 asmuo arba 1 pora.

Trukmė: 1 val. (60 min)

Mokymai bus vedami anglų kalba.


Seminarai, individualūs mokymai vyks EL TANGO CLUB erdvėje: https://bit.ly/3jxIVNp

2021-12-17 ir 2021-12-18 milongos vyks renginių erdvėje "NAUTILUS", Savanorių pr. 124, Kaunas

2021-12-19 milonga vyks Argentinietiško tango kultūros erdvėje "EL TANGO CLUB Espacio Cultural", Raudondvario pl. 101a, Kaunas



Renginio svečiams - specialūs viešnagės Kaune pasiūlymai:

- naujai pastatytame, stilingu ir minimalistiniu dizainu pasižyminčiame ALGIRO viešbutyje: http://algirohotel.lt/

-- nuolaidos kodas: Algiro supports Tango;

- jaukiuose svečių namuose Guest House LT: https://bit.ly/3btQb8F

-- nuolaidos kodas: Guest House supports Tango;

Viešbučio ir svečių namų užsakymai priimami telefonu +370 37 537 700 arba el. paštu info@algirohotel.lt



Seminaruose gali dalyvauti tik registruoti dalyviai.

Seminaruose dalyvių skaičius ribotas.

REGISTRACIJA: https://forms.gle/mz1WojsLAEUYZYz29

4 seminarai (šeštadienio ir sekmadienio seminarai): 4 x 25 eur/seminaras 1 asmeniui (nuo gruodžio 1 d. - 29 eur/seminaras 1 asmeniui)

2 seminarai (šeštadienio arba sekmadienio seminarai): 2 x 30 eur/seminaras 1 asmeniui (nuo gruodžio 1 d. - 35 eur/seminaras 1 asmeniui)

Registracija į 1-ą pasirinktą seminarą negalima.

Būtinas išankstinis dalyvavimo patvirtinimas sumokant dalyvio mokestį iki nurodytos datos.

Seminarai bus vedami anglų kalba.

Seminarai skirti šokantiems tango (intermediate - advanced level).

Rekomenduojama dalyvauti su partneriu(-e).


Daugiau informacijos netrukus.


Renginys vyks laikantis galiojančių Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės nustatytų sveikatos ir saugos reikalavimų.

Dalyvavimas galimas tik turint GP ar jam prilyginamą dokumentą (https://gpasas.lt).

Suprantame, kad dėl pandeminės situacijos gali nutikti daug dalykų. Todėl, jei negalėsite dalyvauti seminaruose, jūsų atliktas mokėjimas gali būti užskaitytas kitam (naujam, jūsų surastam) seminaro dalyviui. Dalyvio keitimas galimas tik iki seminarų datos likus ne mažiau kaip 7 dienoms IR iš anksto suderinus su organizatoriais.

Jei dėl COVID-19 situacijos ir galiojančių reikalavimų renginys negalės įvykti, už seminarus gauti mokėjimai bus grąžinti dalyviams. Kitais atvejais mokėjimai už seminarus nėra grąžinami.


Iškilus klausimams, susisiekime žinute per EL TANGO CLUB FB puslapį: https://www.facebook.com/ElTangoClubEspacioCultural/

---- EN VERSION -----

3 days of international tango meeting in Kaunas with the world class dancer and maestro from Argentina - CRISTIAN PALOMO - WORLD TANGO CHAMPION (2016, Tango de Pista)






* Workshops * Private Classes * Performance * Milongas * International TDJ Team * Professional sound quality * Spacious and air-conditioned wooden dance floor * Friendly and cozy environment * Lots of good tango mood * Tango friends *

2021-12-17 | FRIDAY

20:00 - 01:00 Milonga de VINILOS / TDJ ANDRES VILKS (Latvia)

Venue and admission details coming shortly.

2021-12-18 | SATURDAY

12:00 – 13:15 Workshop: ABRAZO & CONEXION / EMBRACE & CONNECTION

How to get a soft, active and reactive hug both in closed hug and in open embrace.

---coffee break

13:45 – 15:00 Workshop: CAMINATA / WALKING:

Leg work. How to use the base leg, the free leg and the flexion of the movement. The importance of the pauses (all levels)

20:00 – 01:00 Milonga de GALA / TDJ BARBARA D’AGOSTINO (Italy)

Performance - Cristian Palomo

Venue and admission details coming shortly.

2021-12-19 | SUNDAY

12:00 – 13:15 Workshop: CADENCIA / CADENCE

How to use it to achieve a smooth and elegant dance.

---coffee break

13:45 – 15:00 Workshop: Let’s have fun with a MILONGA!

18:00 – 22:00 Milonga ELEGANTE / TDJ MARIA OKRUZKOVA (Latvia)

Venue and admission details coming shortly.


Available upon request.

Number of participants: 1 person or 1 couple.

Duration: 1 hour (60 min)

Language: English


All workshops will be held at the EL TANGO CLUB Espacio Cultural: https://bit.ly/3m6adfF

On 2021-12-17 and 2021-12-18 milongas will take place at "NAUTILUS", Savanorių pr. 124, Kaunas

On 2021-12-19 milonga will take place at "EL TANGO CLUB Espacio Cultural", Raudondvario pl. 101a, Kaunas



Event participant are eligible for the special discount at ALGIRO hotel: http://algirohotel.lt/

Special offer available if booked via +370 37 537 700 or info@algirohotel.lt

Discount code: Algiro supports Tango



Workshops are for the registered participants only. The number of workshop participants is limited.

REGISTRATION: https://forms.gle/mz1WojsLAEUYZYz29

4 workshops (Saturday and Sunday workshops): 4 x 25 eur/workshop per person (as of 1st December, 29 eur/workshop per person)

2 workshops (Saturday or Sunday workshops) : 2 x 30 eur/workshop per person (as of 1st December, 35 eur/workshop per person)

Registration to a single workshop is not possible.

Registration to the workshops is confirmed only after the participant fee is received within a defined period of time.

Workshops will be held in English.

Workshops are intended for intermediate - advanced level.

Dance partner recommended.


Milonga admission details coming shortly.


The event will be held in accordance with the valid health and safety requirements set by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.

Admission to the event is for COVID-19 certificate holders (vaccinated, recovered, negative test holders).

More details:




We understand that many things can happen due the pandemic situation. Thus, if you are not able to attend the workshops or private classes, your payment may be credited to a new participant. It is your responsibility to find a new participant who will replace you. Participant replacement is possible only at least 7 days before the date of the workshops and with the prior agreement of the organizers.

In case the event is canceled due to the covid-related government regulations, workshop-related payments will be refunded. In other cases, payments are not refundable.


In case of any inquiries, feel free to send us a message via EL TANGO CLUB FB page: https://www.facebook.com/ElTangoClubEspacioCultural/


Don’t miss it! Stay tuned! Be part of the special tango meeting celebration!


His love for dance began in 1999 in the municipal Folkloric Ballet of Gral. San Martin “The Tilcara” where he participated in various events and festivals nationally and the National

Festival of the Malambo in Laborde, the Pre Cosquín and the Festival Bridge Mothers in Puerto Madero, among others. He joined as a dancer renowned musicians and singers of Argentine popular folklore among which include Los Nocheros, Tamara Castro, Cuti and

Roberto Carabajal.

Cristian participated in Cosquín, the largest and most recognized festival of Argentine folk dances held every year in the province of Cordoba, resulting finalist from 2000 to 2008

consecutively in different fields of dance. In the years 2010 and 2011 was sworn Pre Cosquín in the areas of dance in the sub. José C. Paz headquarters and in 2012 was a finalist in the Male Vocal Soloist of Folklore category.

From 2004 to 2006 he was director and choreographer of the Ballet Folkloric Dances Kausani with which he participated in various local and provincial events.

His first contact with tango-dance began in 2003 when he joined the National Institute of Art (IUNA) to Degree majoring in Folklore and Folk Dance Tango, race that attended for 4


From 2006 until 2012 he joined the Ballet Criollo in Buenos Aires with which he participated in several international tours with the show “Argentina Pampa y Tango” which toured Spain and Portugal in 2008, and visited Chile in 2010, in the International Festival of Dance Latin American Antofagasta.

In 2012 Cristian met Melisa, who thereafter would become his dance partner. Together they formed part of the company Tango Master Jesus Velazquez and tango ballet and folklore

dependent of the municipality of Vicente López “Roots and traditions”. They also joined the cast of the show “Tango Yeca” which was presented at the Auditorio de Lozada Corrientes.

They formed the cast of the show of Gran Cafe Tortoni, were part of the staff of teachers of The School of Tango Argentina, gave exhibitions in different milongas of Buenos Aires and

the inside dancers Argentina and are currently in the tango show The Querandi.

In December 2014 Cristian was selected by the dancer, director and choreographer Mora

Godoy to join his show Chantecler with which they were presented in the TOKYU THEATRE Orb Tokyo, Japan.

In 2015 Cristian and Melisa were selected through an audition with other tango couples to enter the National Space Tango Argentino (NCDs), where they received improvement for a

year at the hands of important milongueros masters like Eduardo Pareja, Chino Perico “skinny” Dany, among others. In addition, teachers and choreographers recognized as

Horacio Godoy, Guillermina Quiroga and Carlos Rivarola were some teachers who left their legacy throughout this cycle. During this period not only they worked different styles and figures, but also studied music in relation to tango and developed various techniques of


After a few years of work, Cristian and Melisa managed to develop a good style. In 2015 they obtained the title of Champions Metropolitan Buenos Aires in the World Milongueros category. In the same year, World Tango Runners-up Track and finalists of the Stage Tango

category devoted themselves.

On August 30, 2016, Melisa and Cristian managed to fulfill one of his biggest dreams, World Tango Champions in Tango Salon in which they devoted themselves under the BA Tango Festival and World Championship held every year in the city of Buenos Aires.

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